Tracer study is a study that traces the footsteps of graduates/alumni which is carried out with the aim of finding out educational outcomes in the form of transition from the world of higher education to the world of work, final work situation, alignment and application of competencies in the world of work. From this tracking study, the information obtained is very useful in evaluating higher education results, improving and guaranteeing the quality of higher education institutions and the relevance of higher education, information for stakeholders, and completeness of requirements for higher education accreditation.
Therefore, the Public Relations Study Program, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Padjadjaran University is implementing a Tracer Study program to determine the absorption, process and position of graduates in the world of work. This is done to prepare graduates from tertiary institutions who are in line with the competencies needed in today’s world of work.
We thank all parties who have participated
so that the Tracer Study survey for the Public Relations Study Program can be carried out well.
Tracer Study Report for the 2018-2021 Public Relations Study Program