Community Services

Financial Literacy Webinar and Digital Media Investment for Economic Independence for the Blind Disabilities

“Strengthening Information Regarding Financial Management and Investment”

(Hanny Hafiar, Yanti Setianti, Priyo Subekti)

Socialization of Health Protocols with Storytelling Techniques Through the Comic Media “Healthy Cheers in a Pandemic Period” to Elementary School Children in Sumedang Regency.

(Susanne Dida, Retasari Dewi, Elnovani Lusiana, Akmal, Rostika)

Webinar of Entrepreneurship

“Training on Entrepreneurship Potential in Living Areas during the Covid-19 Pandemic”

(Yanti Setianti, Priyo Subekti, Rangga Septya)

Online seminar (Webinar) for Blind Disability and Economic Resilience in The Pandemic

“Growing Entrepreneurship Spirit for Millennials Amid the Global Crisis and Its Benefits for the National Economy”

(Hanny Hafiar, Yanti Setianti, Priyo Subekti)

Effective Communication in Handling the Spread of Health Hoax Content in the New Normal Period

(Diah Fatma, Iriana Bakti, Aat Ruchiat)